DIY tattoos: what the hell are you thinking?

I’ve been subscribed to the Instructables webpage and it’s one of my favorite sites to visit. The site has all types of content for people that want to learn new things, or find out-of-the-box solution to any kind of problem. So far so good, but today while I was checking my e-mails I ran into the horror: there was a set of instructions on do-it-yourself tattoos. So this is the moment to go fully into the topic and laugh at it a little bit.

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How much is the tattoo artist salary?

When we were little some of us said we wanted to be doctors, others said firefighters, and perhaps others wanted to be veterinarians: but certainly no one said he wanted to be a tattoo artist. Why would anyone want to become a tattoo artist? There are dozens of reasons attached to the art work, an office with flexible hours, friendly work environment with daily news, and of course, make money. The story can be summed up in something: a good tattoo artist earns well, in fact quite good, and also…

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Cost of a tattoo

Today we are going to talk about a very interesting topic, something very useful (in my opinion), and something that many of you should appreciate, or at least that I would appreciate to read. One of these things that no one tells, and that no matter how hard you try to find it on Google, you won’t come upon any other tattoo images blog like this one, which has bothered taking on a professional tattoo artist in order to give you the best information. And this is me. No tattoo…

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New section: Professional tattoo artist answers at Tatuajesxd

tatuaje cyborg

Hello guys! Today we begin a new section here at the websiste. My name is Tatuador X (or Tattoo Artist X as it would be in english). Do you remember Homer Sipson when he named himself Mr X.? Why Tatuador X? Well, for the same reason given in that episode: I am going to tell you things about the world of tattoos that may not please everyone and definetly won’t pleas other tattoo artists -but- people who are seeking for the truth, like you my fellow, will like. Do you remember when…

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