Sexy statue of liberty

Tatuaje de la Estatua de la Libertad


The famous statue that was gifted by France to the United State, but in a more kinky version. The blonde girl, symbol of Independence, holds the torch in one hand and a book in the other (which represents the Declaration of Independence. This version is full color and shows a more energic and vivid version of the statue. As many other works done at Black 13 Tattoo by Marty McEwen, this is full of colors and cartoonish shapes.

Trivia: In the original statue the book has engraved the message “July IV MDCCLXXVI” which is the Day in which the Declaration of Independence was signed; the torch represents enlightment; and the 7 points in the crown represent the 7 oceans and seas of the world. This statue represents “The Enlightment through freedom“.